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  • Writer's pictureHomestead Hannah

Hobbies You Can Start This Week

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

Do you ever find yourself aimlessly scrolling through social media, or clicking the ¨Keep Watching¨ button when you're streaming service asks if you are still binge watching your favorite show? Why not find an outlet to ease that boredom? Here are few of my favorite hobbies, and hobbies I plan to start in the future!

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Learning how to sew can definitely be overwhelming. The loud machine, the sharp needles, the attention to detail. But my goodness, that cannot compare to the satisfaction that comes after completing a sewing project. I grew up with my mom sewing all the time, and I always felt like it was too complicated for me to try. But I recently gave it a go and I was so pleased! I watched several youtube videos before getting started that were specific to my sewing machine. Once I accepted the fact that the outcome does not have to be perfect, it became a very relaxing experience. You do not need a lot to get started with this hobby...just a sewing machine, fabric, thread, and scissors. I have linked my favorites below.


As soon as I have my baby, one of the first things I am going to purchase for myself is a bicycle. I loved riding my bike as a kid, and I think it's one of the best ways to get outside, get fresh air, and move my body. I have tried the stationary bikes at the gym, and it is just not the same. As long as you have a safe area to bike at, this is a perfect hobby for everyone. After doing some research, I plan on getting a bike from the company Six Three Zero. They have so many cute bikes to choose from, including kids´ bikes, as well as accessories.


Baking is one of those activities where you either really enjoy it, or never want to do it again. I personally like baking, even though I am notorious for not following recipes and putting my spin on things. The best thing about baking is that I typically have all the ingredients I need on hand, and I get a delicious product after I am finished. The options with baking are essentially endless. You can make cupcakes, cakes, cookies, bread, puddings, cheesecakes...the list goes on and on!

Growing Indoor Plants

I know what you're thinking...¨but I kill every plant I bring home!¨ The reason for this is you're probably giving your plants too much attention. I find that people kill more houseplants by over-watering than anything else.

My obsession with indoor plants started when my sister-in-law gifted me a little plant for Christmas one year. I worked so hard to keep it alive, and have since grown it to 5 times the size it started at 4 years ago, and have taken a few cuttings to start new plants. I love having them on the windowsill above the kitchen sink, and I think it just livens up the whole house. I follow several fellow plant lovers on social media, and have fallen in love with all of Hilton Carter´s books. The I have linked was a gift from my sister, and I absolutely love it!


There are so many different ways these days to get your nose in a book. I personally like to have the book physically in my hands, but many people are choosing to go the digital route. Either way, you can easily carve out 15 minutes of your day to get lost in the literary world. You can get started with a Kindle Paperwhite (, or go to the nearest bookstore and browse through all the beautiful aisles of different genres. You can also visit your local library and get books for free!

Get Local

A new hobby that I have started to get into is diving into all the awesome things happening in my local town. I follow all my towns´ social media pages to stay up to date on all the different events that are happening. This also exposes me to new restaurants and stores that I would not have heard about otherwise. You would be surprised about all the different things happening in your local area that you had no idea were happening! A few of the things I like to do locally are to go to my farmers market, visit boutiques downtown, try new local restaurants, go to the local park (which also hosts awesome outdoor concerts), and go to craft fairs and festivals.

Those are my top six hobbies you can start this week! What are your favorite hobbies? Are there any hobbies you would add to this list? Let me know!

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